Bio Farma bersama anak perusahaannya, Kimia Farma dan Indo Farma, menggelar program "Bio Farma Group Mengajar" di SMKF Yasinda Indramayu pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2024 dan SMKS Bandung Barat pada 27 Agustus 2024.
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Bio Farma's CSR Commitment
Bio Farma shows its commitment in CSR activities by adopting international standards, namely ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social responsibility. This commitment is inseparable from the awareness of the importance of implementing business conduct ethics in the management of companies that are expected to create and develop a good Corporate Culture.
Corporate social responsibility is a form of awareness of Bio Farma as an effort to improve its relationship with the community and its environment. Bio Farma's concern for social responsibility is inseparable from the fact that the social dimension influences every business activity. The company believes that the social dimension is not something separate but goes hand in hand to improve the sustainability of the company's business processes.
CSR is the operation of Bio Farma's business process that is committed not only to increase the company's profit financially, but to develop an integrated and sustainable socio-economic area.
Bio Farma applies three main approaches in carrying out CSR activities, namely Biodiversity, Geodiversity and Culturediversity. Bio Farma maintains breeding for each species developed, protects all forms of diversity in biological resources, and preserves all forms of cultural heritage of the people.
4 Pillars of CSR Priority
Bio Farma's CSR vision is "To be a company that has reliable, global reputable social responsibility in community development and the environment." With this vision, Bio Farma would like to realize social responsibility that is not just an obligation and set aside some profits for charity activities only. CSR is not just a member's activity short-term assistance that doesn't complete errors in society and the environment, but must be the activity that gives long-term and sustainable impacts for all stakeholders.
Regional targets The Bio Farma CSR program is divided into three regions, namely the people who live around Bio Farma. West Java citizens who live outside the area or who do not have direct contact with Bio Farma. Indonesian society.
One of Bio Farma's CSR focuses in 2016 is the development program of the GEOPARK area of Ciletuh Palabuhanratu which has received the title of National Geopark in West Java, and prepares for UNESCO visitation to enter into part of the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG). With an intensive process, Bio Farma together with the Sukabumi District Government, the West Java Provincial Government, Padjadjaran University, local communities such as the Sukabumi Pakidulan Nature Union (PAPSI) and PALAPAH (Cultural Community) and the Media continue to work together to develop the area to succeed in becoming an UGG and include into selected tourist destinations in Indonesia and the world.
With core competencies in the field of biotechnology, Bio Farma designed the Biotech program for SMEs, which applies biotechnology appropriately to small and medium business (SME) businesses in the fields of fisheries, livestock, and nursery of medicinal plants and fruits. Biotech for SMEs was originated from Bio Farma's CSR philosophy to hook and tell how to fish and sell the results of the fishing rod. That is, Bio Farma carries out capacity buliding, building community skills. The following diagram shows how Bio Farma's core competencies could be applied in people's lives and provide solutions to the success of SMEs. We call it a solution for prosperity.
In addition to fulfilling the human rights aspects of the corporate environment, Bio Farma also realizes aspects of human rights related to several CSR programs that raise the rights of indigenous people and a positive impact by raising the rights of indigenous people. In CSR programs carried out in the target areas of the program which is a local community in the region is very concerned.
Indonesia's biodiversity is one of the natural resources whose authenticity should be maintained. The reason is that diversity (biodiversity) is what makes human environmental life continue for the next generation. Since 2013 until now, through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Bio Farma has carried out several activities related to biodiversity conservation.
For Bio Farma, biodiversity is a gift that must be preserved. So, in 2020, Bio Farma's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will focus programs in the field of biodiversity in several regional locations in West Java. Bio Farma's CSR aims to have a positive impact on biodiversity and participate in protecting the natural habitat of flora and fauna in Indonesia. Therefore, CSR Bio Farma is carrying out a biodiversity protection program in one of the conservation areas in Leuwiliang Village, Bandung Regency, namely at Taman Buru Masigit Kareumbi (TBMK).
This TBMK conservation area has dozens of biodiversity in it. The TBMK Conservation Area is a natural habitat for flora and fauna in Indonesia. The following are several types of fauna in the Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park. For Fauna Types, Bio Farma succeeded in conserving 69 types of animals from various families, consisting of 45 birds, 6 mammals and 18 types of butterflies. As the home of flora and fauna, the TBMK Conservation Area certainly needs to maintain its beauty.
However, as time goes by, some of the land in the TBMK Conservation Area has decreased due to some of the land being converted. This creates critical land problems in the TBMK area. Therefore, CSR Bio Farma created a Critical Land Rehabilitation program in several TBMK Conservation Areas by carrying out reforestation to restore the function of the land. Apart from that, CSR Bio Farma also carried out a Tree Guardian program in the TBMK area in the Ciengang Petak 70 block. In this tree guardian program, CSR Bio Farma succeeded in planting 500 seedlings for the tree guardian program. The following is a list of plants that were successfully sown by Bio Farma in the Tree Guardian program. During the 2018 - 2019 period, Bio Farma's CSR succeeded in planting seven types of trees, including Ki Cangkudu (Morinda sp), Baros (Manglietia glauca), Ki Sieum (Syzygium zelyanicum), Puspa (Schima wallichii) and Ketapang (Terminalia catappa).
Bio Farma's biodiversity protection activities include, among other things, those declared critically endangered and rare/threatened endemic flora. Determination of the status of fauna and flora species refers to the Red List published by the International Union for Conservation (IUCN). Since 2011 - 2019, Bio Farma has conserved 22 Fauna and 8 Flora with Critically Endangered (CR) status.
Resume of the Care Report on the Construction Land of the Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park, Little Farmers, Cisarua, and the Weed Garden, Blok Pangheotan, Cikalong Wetan

The Best Sustainability Report
Bio Farma won the "Best Sustainability Report 2015 Category Manufactures" award. This is the second award in the field of Sustainability Report from NCSR. The award was handed over directly by Sarwono Kusumaatmadja as Chairman of the SRA 2016 Jury from the National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR).Currently, Bio Farma's Sustainability Report has referred to the latest version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines, besides that Bio Farma's Sustainability Report has also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Bio Farma has become a member of the GRI Organizational Stakeholders (OS), this reflects a commitment to implementing sustainability. Bio Farma's sustainability practices are used as guidance and learning for GRI members from other countries that are members of the International GRI Stakeholder Organization.

The Best Sustainability Report
Bio Farma won the "Best Sustainability Report 2015 Category Manufactures" award. This is the second award in the field of Sustainability Report from NCSR. The award was handed over directly by Sarwono Kusumaatmadja as Chairman of the SRA 2016 Jury from the National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR).
Currently, Bio Farma's Sustainability Report has referred to the latest version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines, besides that Bio Farma's Sustainability Report has also harmonized with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Bio Farma is already a member of GRI's Organizational Stakeholders (OS), reflecting its commitment to sustainability. Bio Farma's sustainability practices are used as guidance and learning for GRI members from other countries that are members of the International GRI Stakeholder Organization.
17 Goals to Transform Our World
We aligning all production our production processes and corporate activities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be competitive in the global market.

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