Hepatitis B Recombinant Vaccine
Prevention of inflammatory liver disease due to Hepatitis B virus infection.
Hepatitis B Vaccine recombinant is indicated for active immunization against infection caused by hepatitis B virus. The vaccine will not protect against infection caused by other agents, such as hepatitis A virus, hepatitis C virus or other viruses known to infect the liver. The vaccine can be administered at any age from birth onwards. Vaccination is recommended in persons who are or will be at risk of infection with hepatitis B virus. These include :
- Health care professionals
Oral surgeons, dentists, physicians and surgeons, dental nurses, dental hygienist, paramedical professionals in close contact with patients, staff in haemodialysis, haematology and oncology units, laboratory personnel handling blood and other clinical specimens, morticians and embalmers, blood bank and plasma fractionation workers, chiropodist, cleaning staff in hospitals handling waste, emergency and first aid workers, ambulance staff. - Patients
Patients receiving frequent blood transfusions or clotting factor concen- trates such as patients in haemodialysis and oncology units, thalassaemics, sickle-cell anaemics, cirrhotics and haemophiliacs, etc. - Personnel and residents of institu- tions
Persons who frequent and/or close contact with high risk groups; prisoners and prison staff; residents and staff of institutions for the mentally handicapped. - Persons at increased risk due to their sexual activities
Sexually promiscuous persons, persons who repeatedly contact sexually transmitted disease, homosexually active males, prostitutes. - Illicit users of addictive injectable drugs
- Travellers to high endemic areas and their close contact
- Family member contacts of any of the above groups and of patients with acute or chronic Hepatitis B infection
- Infants born from Hepatitis B carrier mothers.